Herd Stupidity

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Over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, the term “herd immunity” has become a part of our vocabulary. That was based on the ill-founded hope that if enough people got exposed to COVID-19, the general population might develop an immunity to the virus.

And while herd immunity may be a distant dream, herd stupidity is flourishing. It was on full display in Toronto recently as groups of anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, Q-Anon conspiracists, evangelical extremists, MAGA cap deplorables, freedom rally revolutionaries,  and the curious public joined the owner of Adamson’s BBQ as he protested his right to violate Ontario’s pandemic health guidelines restricting indoor dining.

As scatologists have noted, that the moment after a dog drops a piece of excrement on your lawn, carrion flies appear out of nowhere to congregate for the feast. So it is with the Adamson BBQ “freedom” protest, and the scent spread like wildfire on social media. We don’t have to go to the US and watch Thanksgiving and Black Friday crowds to see clear examples of herd stupidity. We have our own outstanding examples right here in Toronto the Good.

The way I see it.


Skid Crease, Caledon

* image from blogto.com


An American Thanksgiving, 2020

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 Ah, American Thanksgiving. Truly one of the greatest myths of all time. How does a fanatical religious cult of Plymouth Pilgrims show their thanks to the Wampanoag Native Americans who shared an autumn harvest feast with them and saved them from sickness and starvation that first fateful winter? Why, they spend the next 400 years stealing their lands from coast to coast to coast, and committing cultural genocide. In your God We Trust? Thanks, but no thanks.

But the myth is so strong, that even with cases surging, hospitals overwhelmed, and over 250,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus pandemic, family members, partners and friends will ignore all of the Federal CDC and local State health guidelines telling them to stay home and not to travel. They will joyfully jump into their cars, and head off to a big fat family Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone they contacted along the way will get to share in the feast. Herd stupidity ensures that super-spreader events, like Thanksgiving, will flourish.

This year, the Thanksgiving Break goes from Thursday, November 26, through the Black Friday holiday, and into the weekend. At least four days to share aerosols and droplets with all you love, and all those you meet along the way. As Tevye sings in Fiddler on the Roof, “Tradition!” And this particular Thanksgiving is a tradition to die for.

This Thanksgiving 2020, a microscopic virus will be giving thanks for all of the covidiots. In November of 2021, the survivors will celebrate the 400th Anniversary of that first mythical Thanksgiving feast. Miigwech.

The way I see it.


Skid Crease, Caledon

* image from pinoytransplant.com



The Most Dangerous Game

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A scenario is playing out in the United States right now that could be the most dangerous game in the history of the US. The Game Master is Roger Stone and the game is called “Stop the Steal” and the players are deluded and disillusioned citizens. Stone incorporated what he likes to call a “grassroots movement” several years ago amid a massive fundraising effort. His “Stop the Steal” business is now engaged in deliberately inciting Americans to violence and sedition by denying the legitimate results of a secure 2020 election process.

 By now it should be clear to most of the intelligent world that Joseph R. Biden is the winner of the 2020 election and the legitimate President-Elect of the US. But the Stone crowd, including people like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany continue to use their now illegitimate pulpits to falsely claim that Trump is about to transition to a second term in office.

Mike “smug mug” Pompeo should be tossed out of office right now, but is instead on a contaminating 7 country farewell international tour. Kayleigh “my mouth turns excrement into sugar” McEnany continues to lie through her plasticly perfect smile every time she opens her mouth.

The most dangerous game they are playing is that they are feeding oxygen and fuel into the fire of a dangerously deluded and angry mob of Trumpists, Instead of acknowledging that Biden won “by a landslide” – to quote former president 45 when he received the same 306 Electoral College votes in 2016 – the Trump fanatics insist on the exact opposite.

With armed Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys and Riot Girls threatening violence in the streets, Trump could be forcing America into a state of total anarchy, where military intervention and nationwide curfews could become the order of the day. He deliberately did not do what he should have done – concede – because he can never admit that he lost. And aided by Roger Stone and Steve Bannon and the GOP and his loyal staff he will continue to play this most dangerous game until he is removed from office.

In the short story of the same name, the protagonist wins in the end. Enjoy that first night’s sleep in the big bed, President Biden.

The way I see it.


Skid Crease, Caledon

*image from nytimes