Editorial by Skid Crease
Recently I received brochures in the mail brightly printed in the colour purple with smiling photogenic candidates on the covers. I will refer my readers to a previous blog outlining the dangers of being seduced by the colour purple.
The words written inside were a marketing manager’s dream. Words like honesty, integrity, open-minded, and collaborative are inspirational and something we should desire in all our political candidates. However inspirational words require matching actions in order to ring true.
So, if the Integrity Commissioner has found you guilty of violating the municipal code of conduct, fined you and required you to retrain; if you have had to apologize to Peel Region for a racial slur delivered at on Ontario Heritage Board meeting; if you have chosen not to sanction gender biased racial slurs delivered in a colleague’s emails; if you have attempted to interfere with the freedom of the press; if you have angered your constituents with misleading information; if you have sided with development interests over the wishes of your Town … well, you might get people doubting the veracity of your election campaign brochures.
However, in this age of Doug Ford and Donald Trump, fake news goes a long way. People might just look at the pretty pictures and not look beneath the glitter to find out it’s really fool’s gold.
The way I see it.
Skid Crease
Skid Crease is a member of the Canadian Association of Journalists, an author, an internationally renowned speaker, and a lifelong educator currently living in Caledon, Ontario.