The Betrayal of Caledon, continued …
On Thursday, August 18, 2022, Regional Councillor and mayoral candidate Annette Groves put out a post on Facebook titled “Setting the Record Straight.” That record is in regard to Ms. Groves role in reducing Caledon’s representation at Peel Region Council. Unfortunately, Ms. Groves omitted a few key details which actually made the record more crooked. The act of concealing or misrepresenting the truth is known as deceit.
In her Facebook post, Councillor Groves encouraged all of us “to please do your research and look at the facts and the recorded votes which will clearly tell the truth.”
One omitted fact, on public record in the Peel Region Council recorded votes for November 26, 2020 reveals that Regional Councillor Groves was one of seventeen councillors who voted in favour of the Motion to reduce Caledon’s seats from 5 to 3 representatives. All other Caledon councillors present voted against the Motion. That is a fact.
At the Special Meeting called by Peel Region on December 17, 2020 to ratify the reduction of seats motion, the councillors from Caledon stood up and left the chambers. All but one – Caledon Regional Councillor Annette Groves. Under a Region of Peel bylaw, a council meeting cannot take place unless one representative from each of its three municipalities is present. If all of the Caledon councillors had left the chambers, the meeting would have ended, no vote could have been taken on the Motion, and it would have died on the floor or been deferred to a later date. That is a fact.
Ms. Groves was fully aware of the process of breaking quorum, having joined her colleagues from Caledon in walking out of a Region of Peel meeting on June 11, 2015 in order to stop a vote that would have stripped Caledon of authority over its own planning. However, this time Ms. Groves chose to stay, preserving quorum and allowing the vote to proceed. To add insult to injury, Ms. Groves then cast a duplicitous inconsequential NO vote, thereby allowing her to go down on public record as having voted against the same motion she had previously supported. The Motion was ratified. That is a fact.
This was the betrayal of Caledon. Facts and clear truth, All on public record at the Region of Peel. You can either trust the facts or you can buy the lie. Buyer beware.
Just setting the record straighter. The way I see it.
Skid Crease, Caledon