Fact Checking in the Age of Alternative Truths

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George Orwell’s 1984 has surged to #1 on Amazon’s book list following the lies, obfuscations, and alternative realities uttered by the 45th President of the United States of America and repeated by his White House Press Secretary.

Well here is the inconvenient truth:

As to the number of people who watched the inauguration of the 45th President on television, from the Nielsen TV Ratings for most watched inaugurations :

1. 41,000,000, Ronald Regan, 1981

2. 37,800,000, Barack Obama, 2009

3. 34,100,000, Jimmy Carter, 1977

4. 32,000,000, Richard Nixon, 1973

5. 30,600,000, Donald Trump, 2017

…oops, looks like He Who Must Not Be Named couldn’t even beat Jimmy Carter, let alone best that Unborn in America previous President.

The same holds true for millions of illegal voters that cost #45 the popular vote. No research or data that proves any massive illegal voting. The Bush administration in 2005 discovered only 13 convictions for voter fraud occurred that year. Loyola Law School Professor J. Levitt’s team researched voter fraud between 2000 and 2014. There were only 31 incidents out of more than 1 billion ballots cast during that period.

31 out of 1,000,000,000.  Really.

He Who Should Never Have Been Elected has a big problem with both mathematics and English if he thinks that constitutes anything deserving of the adjective “massive”. The only thing massive about this is the size of THE LIE and the amount of money American taxpayers will pay for untruthing it.

The same holds true for torture. Waterboarding is torture. Period.

The same holds true for climate change. No chance of a Chinese socialist plot here, unless the climate scientists at NASA, NOAA, Environment Canada, Hadley Center for Climate Science, and 98% of the published, peer reviewed, and practicing climate scientists are wrong.

And the chances of that are about the same as the 45th President of the United States of America accepting and telling the truth.

Big Brother is living in an alternative reality of his own misogynistic megalomaniacal making. This is exactly why the Constitution of the United States has the Second Amendment. Not so that schoolchildren can be shot by mentally disturbed loners, but so that citizens committed to their democracy can rise up collectively against an illegitimate and dictatorial government and restore their freedoms.

It’s very difficult to have an intelligent adult conversation with a spoiled child. Big Brother needs a long time out.


Skid Crease, Caledon

Fact Checked by Econexus



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January 20, 2017 to be designated as
International Turn Off Day.

Yes, at exactly 9:00am Washington D.C. time zone, all Canadians and Americans who believe in Truth, Justice, and the Way of the Peaceful Warrior are going to turn off their TV sets, their cell phones, their iPads and computers, and take a walk with a friend / a loved one in the great outdoors. We are going to ensure that the inauguration of the 45th president of the united hates of america will achieve the lowest ratings in television history.

Having watched the outgoing President’s farewell address, his honouring of his friend and Vice-President, his salute to his staff in CNNs “The End: the final days of the Obama administration (“It’s not about me – it’s about the team.”), and having seen the intelligence and class with which he and his family have carried themselves in this most difficult of times, we salute you by turning off our “black mirrors” and stepping out to the sun, the clouds, the snow, the rain, the wind.

As my son Will said watching as The President prepared to leave office, “It is going to be a long four years.” Let us remember our better selves, that the Twit Who Would Tweet is but a brief journey to the dark side of The Force, and that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Skid Crease, Caledon